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One of Redfern’s Best

March 8, 2013

“Welcome to the world of Nick Redfern,” begins Peter Rogerson’s review in Magonia of Monster Diary, the latest saga in Nick Redfern’s ongoing series of worldwide road-trips in search of strange creatures and terrifying beasts. It’s a world that ” … seems to be dominated by strange experiences, strange characters who tell him tales of stranger and nastier things and even stranger and nastier doings…I see Nick Redfern as being in the tradition of the story teller, who like John Keel, uses folkloric themes in his work but weaves around them a storyline. This is really a book to be read out loud, perhaps before a roaring log fire in the Rampant Ram, or better still round the camp fire, throwing a fitful light into the darkness and casting sinister shadows.” Sydney Squidney at Good Reads liked the book, too: “I recommend this book for people who are tired of the interruptions and measured humiliations of arrogant humans who prefer to stay willfully ignorant and thus who dismiss the well cognizable ‘more’ that is offered by this world. There is a voice here for those who have been up close and personal with things they don’t quite understand, but know what’s out there.” But best of all is the praise that comes from none other than Brad Steiger: “Nick Redfern has produced another excellent title …I always enjoy reading his take on some of the classic monsters which have haunted the British countryside for centuries. What he adds to his usual reportage of monsters of the moors is a theory that some of these entities may well be spectral memories and ghostly projections. To me, this theory makes a great deal of sense. I have always wondered just where the Brits got the notion that black panthers were terrorizing their roadways when no panthers have ever existed in Great Britain in known history. Psychic projections do make for better explanations. Redfern expands this thoughtful theory to extend to Bigfoot and other such creatures. Perhaps the paranormal will not be welcome in this territory by those who faithfully search the woods for signs and proofs of Old Daddy Bigfoot’s actual, physical reality. After suggesting a paranormal explanation for a good many Bigfoot sightings, Redfern contends that some of those witnesses who have reported encountering Mammoths, Loch Ness-type water beasts, and saber-toothed tigers may have actually seen ghosts of these prehistoric beasts. And why not? …As a major Redfern fan, I definitely recommend this book as one of his best.” No wonder it’s been named the “Best Autobiographical Cryptozoological Book of the Year,” 2012, Cryptomundo.

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