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AgainstAgainst the Odds: Major Donald E. Keyhoe and His Battle to End UFO Secrecy by Linda Powell is our first biography and reviewers are over the moon about it.  Christine Scott, on UFO Talker, called it “a landmark bio of Donald Keyhoe.” Jeffrey Mishlove of New Thinking Allowed said it’s “…the most well-researched book in the UFO field that I’ve ever seen…a must read book.” Author Leslie Kean called it “an inspiring work.” Nigel Watson, in Magonia, writes “Powell does an expert job of showing us the major characters and factors that constituted that influential period of UFO politics…” But it’s Jerry Clark, who in Fortean Times, best sums up this extraordinary work: “A towering figure in his time… Keyhoe is now the subject of Linda Powell’s solid, deeply researched biography…Against the Odds can be read as an object lesson in the dangers of public identification with a heretical opinion…Powell focuses on the societal, political, and personal side of the disputes that rages, sometimes within ufology itself, over matters both profound and petty. Though I am well versed in the history of the UFO wars, hardly a page of Against the Odds fails to inform me of something I didn’t know…One closes Powell’s splendid biography, which is sympathetic but hardly hagiographic, with the impression of an ordinary man who placed himself in extraordinary circumstances. Decades later, as physicists, journalists, historians, academics, pilots, and politicians—precisely the figures whom Keyhoe attempted with limited success to recruit into the ranks—descend on a subject barreling toward respectability, one wishes he were here to see what he started.”

AgainstONE MAN………the USAF….and UFOs. Who is that man? His name is Donald E. Keyhoe. And he is the subject of our first biography: Against The Odds: Major Donald E. Keyhoe and His Battle to End UFO Secrecy, by Linda Powell. You may be wondering: who is Donald Keyhoe and why is he so important? Keyhoe is largely responsible for the twin pillars of current UFO belief: that UFOs represent extraterrestrial technology and that the government is hiding this truth from us. If you have been following the news recently, you’ll know that the government, despite denials, has continued its lack of transparency with regard to UFOs. Leslie Kean, who has spent 23 years herself advocating for government transparency on the subject, says about the book: “Against the Odds is a fascinating, in-depth biography about an extraordinary human being and courageous pioneer who could not be deterred. An inspiring work.” This work takes its rightful place next to the acclaimed biographies of J. Allen Hynek and James McDonald, the other two towering figures of the golden years of UFOlogy.