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We have just released a raft of our best-selling books in reasonably priced, laminate hardcover editions. They are now available from both Amazon US and Amazon UK and other resellers such as Barnes and Noble online.

Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel
Amazon US
Amazon UK 

Worlds Before Our Own by Brad Steiger
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Strange Company by Keith Chester
Amazon US
Amazon UK

The Yowie by Tony Healy and Paul Cropper
Amazon US
Amazon UK

The Field Guide to Bigfoot by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe
Amazon US
Amazon UK

True Giants by Mark Hall and Loren Coleman
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Lizard Man by Lyle Blackburn
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Mirabilis by Karl Shuker
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Consulting Spirit by Ian Rubenstein
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Confrontations by Jacques Vallee
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Revelations by Jacques Vallee
Amazon US
Amazon UK

The Invisible College by Jacques Vallee
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Outbreak! by Hilary Evans and Paul Bartholomew
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Seeing Fairies by Marjorie Johnson
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Why Science is Wrong by Alex Tsakiris
Amazon US
Amazon UK

These books will only be available in hardcover editions for a limited time.

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