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Brilliant and Informative

November 21, 2019

fs4-frontThose are the words of Dr. Diana Pasulka, author of American Cosmic, writing about our recently published book, Forbidden Science 4: The Spring Hill Chronicles, The Journals of Jacques Vallee 1990-1999. She continues, “Science is finally catching up with Vallee’s speculations, laid bare in Forbidden Science where this venture/adventure is documented, inextricably linked to discovery.” In Magonia, Jenny Randles said, “Here as reader you get what really happened day by day from a true giant of the UFO field.” And John Alexander, writing in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, said: “The rich tapestry of this chronicle reveals background material on a vast array of topics. What is guaranteed is that you will learn things about subjects you never knew existed…This is a veritable Who’s Who in the study of UFOs and other phenomena…it is mandatory reading.” But perhaps Jerome Clark summed it up best in Fortean Times: “As a unique original thinker, and the smartest guy in most rooms where ufologists congregate, Vallee is formidable…His contributions to UFO study equal anybody’s in their scope and insight…Forbidden Science 4 is a commendably open portrayal of the man, his strengths and flaws in full, brave view. If you care about this subject, you had better read it.”

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