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ROTD2It took nearly a century for anyone to begin a detailed examination of the events Charles Fort described in that now classic work, The Book of the Damned. And now just a couple of years after the release of the work that began that reexamination—Redemption of the Damned: Vol. 1 Aerial Phenomena—Martin Shough and Wim van Utrecht have completed Volume 2 of that monumental workRedemption of the Damned, Volume 2: Sea & Space Phenomena—this time focusing on events that took place on the sea and in space. As George Eberhart, the former senior editor of American Libraries, writes in the Foreword: “Martin Shough and Wim van Utrecht use an arsenal of 21st-century tools, both online and in archives, to deconstruct and reconstruct the astronomical, meteorological, and oceanographic anomalies that Fort has puzzled us with since 1919. Yes, Fort cherry-picked his facts to tell a good story, as the authors point out. Nonetheless, they manage to extract the marrow from many of these old bones, and in doing so, take Fort to a new level of relevance.” No one who calls himself or herself a true fortean should be without the knowledge revealed in the two volumes of this essential reference work.

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