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fs5The fifth volume of the journals of Jacques Vallee has now been published: Forbidden Science 5, Pacific Heights: The Journals of Jacques Vallee 2000-2009. This volume continues Vallee’s insider view into UFO research and the government’s often reluctant efforts to to deal with the issue. Set in the midst of global financial and political upheaval, as well as heartbreaking person losses, Vallee explains how during this decade UFOs could be studied in novel ways and how the government came to seriously revisit the issue in the face of possible threats to national security. Of great interest is how Vallee was drawn into the Defense Intelligence Agency’s secret UFO program known as the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP); for the first time we see how it developed, as well as its problems and promise. Here, in ten years of carefully curated journal entries, partly drawn from classified research, Vallée shows how a few teams of scientists and physicians have brought about a remarkable reframing of unidentified phenomena.

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